- Fundamental investigation of particle-layer rearrangement in ceramic wall flow filters by resolved particle simulations
- Modelling and Simulation of Multidimensional Fractionation in Fine Particle Systems and their Application
- Bridging the Gap – Mathematical Optimization Methods and Efficient Algorithms for Process Engineering Problems
- OpenLB – An Open Source High Performance Lattice Boltzmann Code for Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Clusters
- Hemodynamics at High Spatio-temporal Resolution by Comparative Visual Analysis of 4D PC-MRI Data and CFD Simulation Ensembles
- Numerical simulation of convective boiling using lattice Boltzmann method
- CFD-MRI Reactions – A Combined Measurement-Simulation Approach for Reactive Flow Characterization
- Previous Projects
- SeaDream
Particulate flows with high disperse phase fraction
The flow behaviour of solutions with a high proportion of the disperse phase differs from diluted solutions. Based on the Lattice Boltzmann method, an advection-diffusion equation is used to simulate a high number of particles. In this project, the modeling of the influence of particles on the fluid as well as the resulting flow behaviour is investigated.
R. Trunk, T. Henn, M.J. Krause; Dilute Particulate Fluid Flow Simulations with an Euler-Euler Lattice Boltzmann Method; 24th International Conference on Discrete Simulations of Fluid Dynamics, Edinburgh, Scotland
R. Trunk, T. Henn, W. Dörfler, H. Nirschl, M.J. Krause; Inertial dilute particulate fluid flow simulations with an Euler–Euler lattice Boltzmann method; Journal of Computational Science, 2016
DOI: 10.1016/j.jocs.2016.03.013