Research Projects
Selected Research Projects
Current Projects
- FALCON – Foreseeing the next generation of Aircraft: hybrid approach using Lattice-boltzmann, experiments and modelling to optimize fluid/struCture interactiONs (EU-funded, since 2024)
- Bridging the Gap – Mathematical Optimization Methods and Efficient Algorithms for Process Engineering Problems (MathSEE, since 2022)
- CFD-MRI Reactions – A Combined Measurement-Simulation Approach for Reactive Flow Characterization (DFG, since 2022)
- Numerical Simulation of Convective Boiling using Lattice Boltzmann Method (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, since 2023)
- OpenLB – An Open Source High Performance Lattice Boltzmann Code for Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Clusters (NHR@KIT, since 2021)
- Hemodynamics at High Spatio-temporal Resolution by Comparative Visual Analysis of 4D PC-MRI Data and CFD Simulation Ensembles (DFG, since 2022)
- Numerical Simulation of Flow Dynamics in a Ceramic Filter Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method (CAPES, since 2023)
- Fundamental investigation of particle-layer rearrangement in ceramic wall flow filters by resolved particle simulations (DFG, since 2019)
- Modelling and Simulation of Multidimensional Fractionation in Fine Particle Systems and their Application (DFG, since 2017)
- Spring School on Lattice Boltzmann Methods with OpenLB Softare Lab (since 2017)
- Sedimentation of arbitrary shaped particles
- Development for a passive cooling system for electrical vehicles (BMWI, since 2019)
- Development for an on/off isolation (BMWI, since 2018)
- A two-scale approach for the simulation of multi-dimensional separation of fine particle systems (DFG SPP, since 2018)
- Simulation of Flow Measurement Devices (Industry, since 2017)
- High Performace Computing for Projects in Computational Process Engineering: Optimal Control and Adjoint LBM (State of Baden-Württemberg/Germany, since 2015)
Previous Projects
- Potential for damage to fruits (BMWi via AiF/FEI, 2020-2023)
- Interactive Microclimate Studies for Climate Adapted Cities (Ramboll Foundation, 2023)
- Filt-AR: Development of an innovative Filt-AR filter press with knowledge-based control using a digital twin and augmented reality visualization(Invest BW, 2021-2023)
- Virtual Collaboration Laboratories (MWKBW, 2020-2023)
- Particulate flows with high disperse phase fraction
- Modeling and Simulation of Irradiance for Photobioreactors with Complex Geometry for Exploration of Algal Growth (DFG, 2017-2021)
- Mesoskopische Molekulardynamik Simulationen (MMD), DAAD ProBral Brasilien-Deutschland Initiative (DAAD 2019-2021)
- Characterization of Flow Domains and Fluid Flows by Model- and Simulation-based Flow MRI (DFG, 2016-2020)
- Simulation of magnatic separation processes (Industry, 2018)
- Combined Teaching and Research – Project-oriented Software Lab (BMBF OPL, 2013-2019)
- Lattice Boltzmann Methods and its Applications in Medical Engineering and Physics (BMBF TunGer, 2016-2018)
- Development of a multi-scale model for the adsorption of molecular target substances to magnetic carrier particles using the Lattice-Boltzmann methods (DFG, 2014-2018)
- Machbarkeitsstudie Öl-Wasser Strömungssimulation im Sandstein mittels einer Lattice Boltzmann Methode (LBM) (Industry, 2018)
- Machbarkeitsstudie zur Partikelabscheidung in Stapelfasern mittels Partikelsimulation (Industry, 2018)
- Insulation optimization for an innovative cooling system for commercial vehicles (BMWI, 2016-2017)
- Charakterisierung von durchströmten Gefäßen und der Hämodynamik mittels modell- und simulationsbasierter Fluss-MRI (HAW, 2014-2017)
- Dynamic Cross-Flow Filtration (BMBF, 2016)
- Report on State-of-the-art Fluid Flow Shape and Topology Optimization (Industry, 2014-2015)
- Simulation of Turbulent Fluid Flows in a Safety Valve (Industry, 2014)
- Simulation of Particle Separation Processes in a Nebulizer (Industry, 2014)