
The EU-funded project SeaDream (Sustainable Marine Energy and Ecosystem Resilience Advancement through Digital Technologies and Real-Time Crisis Management) has started in January 2025 for a duration of 4 years and is coordinated by the Université du Luxembourg.

The project aims to strengthen EU efforts towards achieving climate neutrality and achieving green energy and environmental targets. SeaDream plays a crucial role in making sure marine energy is utilized sustainably and coastal environments are preserved in line with EU policies. The development of a high-resolution water quality data service at sea is at the core of SeaDream's mission. Data such as these are crucial to addressing specific questions regarding maritime renewable energy generation and storage. The project integrates local monitoring data and advanced modeling through the development, testing, and demonstration of novel downstream information services in an operational mode. As a result of this integration, marine activities related to the generation and storage of energy are improved, and environmental objectives are not compromised. By harnessing advanced data and fostering collaboration across sectors, the project aims to contribute significantly to the EU's environmental and energy targets, promoting a path towards climate neutrality.

In order to achieve SeaDream's vision, a coordinated research program that thrives on collaboration is implemented. In this program, leading teams from academic and private sectors are seconded within and outside the EU. Collaborations are enhanced by periodic workshops and summer schools that disseminate the latest findings and promote market-relevant knowledge application.

The SeaDream partners (from 11 countries: Luxembourg, Denmark, Spain, Serbia, Ireland, Germany, China, India, Canada, US, UK) are:
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade
Universidad de Cantabria
Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions Ltd
Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie
South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ashaw Energy Ltd
The Governors of the University of Alberta
Regents of University of Minnesota
University of Warwick
National Oceanography Centre
HR Wallingford Limited
The University of Liverpool
which facilitates direct application of project results.

It is designed to foster the advancement of knowledge and career development for both experienced and early career researchers and professionals. To ensure this, secondments and training activities are structured to ensure a comprehensive approach to learning and development. Additionally, the SeaDream consortium includes nonacademic partners from various stakeholder groups, which facilitates direct application of project results.

As a participant in the SeaDream project, the Lattice Boltzmann Research Group (LBRG) at KIT is involved in several work packages including the organization of spring schools on lattice Boltzmann methods for real condition simulations.

A video of a Large Eddy Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of a Wind Park is available here

This project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme

Grant agreement number 101182847
